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Autores: MacKenzie, Alison; Bacalja, Alexander; Annamali, Devisakti; Panaretou, Argyro; Girme, Prajakta; Cutajar, Maria; Abegglen, Sandra; Evens, Marshall; Neuhaus, Fabian; Wilson, Kylie; Psarikidou, Katerina; Koole, Marguerite; Hrastinski, Stefan; Sturm, Sean; Adachi, Chie; Schnaider, Karoline; Bozkurt, Aras; Rapanta, Chrysi; Themelis, Chryssa; Thestrup, Klaus; Gislev, Tom; Örtegren, Alex; Costello, Eamon; Dishon, Gideon; Hoechsmann, Michael; Bucio, Jackeline; Vadillo Bueno, Rosa María Guadalupe; Vadillo, Guadalupe; Sánchez Mendiola, Melchor; Goetz, Greta; Lima Gusso, Helder; Arantes, Janine Aldous; Kishore, Pallavi; Lodahl, Mikkel; Suoranta, Juha; Markauskaite, Lina; Mörtsell, Sara; OReilly, Tanya; Reed, Jack; Bhatt, Ibrar; Brown, Cheryl; MacCallum, Kathryn; Ackermann, Cecile; Alexander, Carolyn; Payne, Ameena Leah; Bennett, Rebecca; Stone, Cathy; Collier, Amy; Lohnes Watulak, Sarah; Jandrić, Petar; Peters, Michael y Gourlay, Lesley
Título: Dissolving the Dichotomies Between Online and Campus‐Based Teaching: a Collective Response to The Manifesto for Teaching Online (Bayne et al. 2020)
Revista: Postdigital Science and Education
Año de publicación: 2021
Página inicial: 1
Página final: 59
Formato: Impreso
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